About —
What does your body have in store for you?
The body is a very rich and often overlooked source of information. We all carry our physical and emotional experiences and traumas, small and big, well hidden under our skin. This is often shown in shallow breathing and physical tension in the body. By becoming aware of the stuck energy and old ‘physical patterns’ of holding ourselves together, the tension can release. This will give more room for breath and relaxation, and it connects people to their true feelings. By being more in touch with these emotions, we are able to relate to others and ourselves in a more nourishing way. When we don't have the support to let go of old grieves, pain, secrets, shame and the unaccepted parts of ourselves, our body uses a lot of muscle power to hold it all in. Because the body holds on to what we are not ready to feel yet.
When we are met with a listening touch these old experiences can gradually come to the surface and be expressed through movement in the body, change of breath, emotional release and a deeper understanding of oneself.
"I just love to be a part of some one’s journey and witness their growth to become more relaxed, present and alive.”
Schirin Zorriassateiny
Based in Amsterdam
Meet Schirin Zorriassateiny
Founder of Touch & Awareness -
Schirin has a broad background, ranging from an extensive education in bodywork like the Rosen Method, trauma, tantra, yoga and meditation, to being trained as a professional dancer, an Olympic athlete and a student of The Work by Byron Katie.
After decades of teaching these different topics in many parts of the world, she has built upon these teachings and founded Touch & Awareness in Amsterdam in 2017.
She offers sessions, workshops and trainings.
With the 9 months Foundation Training, students have been trained and certified to give Touch & Awareness sessions.
Some graduates can be found on the practitioner's page.
“My journey has been one from discipline and performing with high demands on myself, towards embracing more of my softer and creative qualities and being in life with a curious and playful attitude.
I am always looking at the potential for more self-connection from a longing to feel at home in myself and in this world. It is clear to me that how I look at the world is a reflection of my own inner reality.
Therefore, I am invested in the discovery of our unconscious parts, which can be found in the body’s wisdom."​